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This process, which I started years ago since I wanted my daughter Defne to eat healthy bread, has dragged me to a very different dimension, into a new love.

Baking bread is a very enjoyable process that is pleasing for all the senses; it starts with the touch and develops when you have started to feel it. You follow the cooking stage with excitement and interact with the crispy sound when it comes out of the oven. First, you taste it by smelling it, then you become happy with its appetizing smell that surrounds the house…

How tasty that the bread will be if you are happy, have had a good start to the day, and are in a good mood. It immediately pays back. Your bread will also be happy with you and come out of the oven with more love. Like a complete visual feast… You can’t believe how your dough rises. They will make you happy even before you put them into the oven because at that stage, you realize how beautiful and delicious your bread will be. With your life energy, it moves away from ordinariness, goes beyond the recipe, and rises with such love that you see that they are dying to be in the oven.

An average of 24 hours of preparation period is required for each bread. This period is much longer for some bread types because there are too many factors that affect its development. The temperature of the water, the air, working environment, the protein level of the wheat to be used, type of the yeast, aromas to be used, and time required for the cold and warm fermentation is among the most important factors affecting the development of bread.


Yillar once, kizim Defne saglikli ekmekler yesin diye basladigim bu surec,beni cok farkli bir boyuta,yeni bir askin icine surukledi.

Dokunusla baslayan,hissederek gelisen,heyecanla pisme asamasini takip ettigin,firindan ciktigi andaki citir citir sesi ile etkilesime girdigin,once koklayarak lezzetini aldigin ve evin icini saran istah acici kokusuyla mutlu oldugun,tum duyulara hitap eden cok keyifli bir surectir ekmek yapimi…

Eger mutluysan,gune guzel basladiysan ve de moralin,keyfin de yerindeyse ne guzel olur ekmekler.Hemen karsiligini verir.Ekmeklerinde seninle birlikte mutlu olur.Firindan daha bir askla cikar.Tam bir gorsel solen gibi,hamurlarin nasil kabarir,inanamazsin.Daha firina girmeden seni mutlu ederler.Cunku o asamada ekmeklerinin nasil guzel ve lezzetli olacagini anlarsin.Senden aldigi hayat enerjisiyle,siradanliktan uzaklasir,tarifin disina cikar ve oyle bir askla kabarirki,adeta firina girmek icin can attiklarini gorursun.

Her ekmek ortalama minimum 24 saatlik bir hazirlik surecine ihtiyac duyar.Bazi ekmekler icin ise bu sureleri cok daha fazla uzun tutuyorum.Cunku ekmegin gelisimini etkileyen cok fazla faktor var.Suyun sicakligi,havani sicakligi,calisma ortami,kullandigim bugdayin protein seviyesi,mayanin yapisi,kullanilan aromalar,soguk ve sicak mayalama asamasinda gecirmesi gereken sureler,ekmegin gelisimini etkileyen en onemli faktorler arasindadir.

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