Sourdough Rye Bread


Having rich fiber content, rye bread is consumed for weight control purposes by those who do not want to gain weight. It regulates the digestive system and improves the distribution of fat in the body. Rye sourdough bread consumed especially in breakfast prevents getting hungry quickly as it gives the feeling of satiety.

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Having rich fiber content, rye bread is consumed for weight control purposes by those who do not want to gain weight. It regulates the digestive system and improves the distribution of fat in the body. Rye sourdough bread consumed especially in breakfast prevents getting hungry quickly as it gives the feeling of satiety.


Cavdar ekmegi oldukca lif icermesi sebebiyle,kilo almak istemeyenler tarafindan,kilo kontrolu amaciyla tuketilebilmektedir.Sindirim sistemini duzenler ve vucuttaki yag dagilimini iyilestirir.Ozellikle kahvaltida tuketilen eksimayali cavdar ekmegi,vermis oldugu doygunluk hissi ile cabuk acikmayi engeller.


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